Finding the Balance

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Life is like riding a bicycle, in order to keep balance you must keep moving. – Albert Einstein

Even if you live where the change in season can only be seen on the calendar (hello southern California!), summer can be felt everywhere. School is out and free time is welcome for kids and adults alike. But what will you do with your free time?  Summertime is all about finding balance!

You may want to sit on the beach all day, or you may want to sign up for every 5k you can while the weather is warmer. Both of these examples fall into the extreme ends of the spectrum when it comes to staying fit. To elaborate on Einstein’s words – in order to keep balance you must keep moving, but not too fast. Find your equilibrium using the following tips:

Start Moving! Summer is a time to sit back in that beach chair and immerse yourself in relaxation. You’ve worked hard all winter and spring, it’s time to take a break! Just make sure your break doesn’t extend to the changing fall colors. Reward yourself with some down time from exercise, but try to stay on a regular routine to avoid losing all that you’ve gained. Switch your treadmill for a trail, your weights for your local park workout, or your step machine for a hike. Being outside lifts your spirits and relaxes your mind, even while getting in a workout. One caveat, make sure to wear sunscreen and hydrate well if you are training outside!

Stay Moving! At least in northern states, there is a surge of local races for just three short months. This is the perfect time to work on your goal of finally trying a half marathon, marathon or triathlon. Maybe you want to do your first 5k, or improve your personal best, that’s fantastic too! Take advantage of this time and sign up for a few races. Pick at least one to be your goal race and make the others your ‘test run’ races. Go online and find a couch to 5k or other race training tools to help. Of course, always look to your local gym for a personal trainer to help as well!

Stop Moving! What? Yes, this sounds like a contradiction, but remember summer is all about balance. Sticking with a routine and working on goals for different races can set you up for overtraining if you’re not careful. The key to avoid overtraining is to focus on goal specific workouts if you are signed up for events, and allowing recovery time along the way. Your recovery could be sitting on the beach, walking through the local farmer’s market, or spending time with family and friends. There is a difference between becoming stagnant, and taking time to regroup or recover. Use your recovery time as an invitation to celebrate summer in the way you like best.

Life is always a balancing act, whether it’s your workout habits, eating habits or spending habits. Find what works to keep you motivated, while still enjoying that downtime you so deserve!


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