Relax...It's Just Food!

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Do not take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive. – Elbert Hubbard

A healthy lifestyle is a wonderful and sometimes lofty goal. Where you start your journey can dictate how long the road will be and how difficult the journey may be.  Even if you are the perfect picture of health, the journey never ends as you take steps to maintain health.  Instead of being excited for the journey, however, many of us are looking for that quick fix – the perfect diet that you follow 100% for a fast track to your weight and health goals.  The problem with this, other than its unsustainability, is that diet becomes pass/fail.  You are happy if you’re staying on track, and frustrated with any failure to follow the diet to a T.  It’s time to rethink nutrition!

Here is a scenario you may know all too well. Something in your life sparks an interest in making a change. This time you are going to get healthier!  You research different diets, talk with friends to see what worked for them, or pick something that worked for you once before.  You tell yourself it was just your lack of discipline before that led to your current state.  This time is different.  So you pick a diet that you are adamant will give you the results you want.  You are excited and obsessed that this is going to “fix” your weight, health, willpower and discipline problems.  You buy your diet approved groceries and any other accessories required to follow this program.  You follow this program to a T, 100% spot on with every aspect of the program.  You are proud of your commitment and discipline!  Then your world comes crashing down around you.

Maybe despite your best efforts, you see absolutely no results on that specific program. Maybe your program is so restrictive that you eventually break and consume a food that is not allowed on the program.  Either scenario, you now feel like you have once again failed.  Chalk up another failure to your lack of discipline or just a body that doesn’t even want to get healthier.  What is wrong with you?

The simple answer is NOTHING! There is nothing wrong with you!  The issue is with the program.  That’s because we take dieting too seriously.  What?  Can you really take your diet too seriously?  Yes, absolutely.

When you can’t relax around food you do your state of mind, and digestion, a disservice. Stress about picking the right foods, guilt about craving “off limits” foods, shame for indulging in those foods, and fear of a specific food group – such as the irrational fear that eating fat will make you fat – all create a stress response around food.  This stress increases cortisol levels which increases your ability to store fat.  Stress also slows down digestion leading to malabsorption and digestive complaints.  When you stress around food, you actually work against your weight and health goals.

Instead, it’s time to relax and enjoy your food! Here are some tips for you to relax more around food:

  • Slow down. Slowing down with your meals enhances digestion, allows you to taste and enjoy your food, and regulates appetite. The slower you eat, the easier it will be to recognize when you are full.

  • 80 / 20 Rule. For long lasting success, the best nutrition plans allow for some wiggle room. Pick whole, non-processed foods a majority of the time, while allowing occasional treats of your favorite foods. You will be more motivated to stay on track if you know you have something to look forward to.

  • Let go of the guilt. Guilt and shame for straying from a nutrition plan is a major detriment to your success. An all-or-nothing attitude will lead to a permanent stray off course if you flub up just once. Additionally, punishing yourself creates that stress response. If you ate something not on your plan, so what! Start back up with your next meal.

  • Pick foods you enjoy. This sounds like a no brainer, but so many people follow a program and eat foods they don’t like just because it’s what they’re “supposed to” eat. If you absolutely despise broccoli, don’t eat it! There are plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, healthy fats, herbs, spices and recipes out there for you to enjoy every meal!

  • Take it one day at a time. If you have a long journey ahead, do not expect to lose 100lb in a month, or change an all-processed-foods diet to whole foods nutrition in a week. Take the baby steps you need to ensure an easy transition.

Remember, just like life, nutrition is a journey. Relax into the journey and you will find success and happiness.

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